So i created this song one day when I was REALLY sleepy, and I thought the instrumental sounded really pretty, so I just sang random stuff to it, and here is the song Insomnia now!
This is actually probably one of my favorite songs I've made. It really gave me a sad vibe when I was writing it, But also very happy. I seem to make this kind of vibe a lot. xP
Dance Dance Revolution
This song totally reminded me of like an "INTRO SONG" for a dance dance revolution game. I can just totally imagine the guy's voice over this saying "STEP LEFT! STEP RIGHT! YOU'RE DOING GREAT!!" loll
This song was actually featured in a Buzz Feed video! :D
It was inspired by a ton of different things, actually, and has a really strange, calming vibe to it!
I really had no name for this one. Another work by Tommy Patzius and I!
Skeletal Manslaughter
One of my OLDEST songs, I made this song in early 2008. HOLY CRAP THATS OLD. The fact that my prowess in music making wasn't all that much during this time excuses how simple and calm the song is. xD
Could Only Hear a Voice
another super old song of mine. made probably sometime in 2009, I got on a super cute/indie music wave that I am still riding
This track I made while it was 2:42 in the morning and the sun was creeping in the blinds of my studio. I made the song from the simple loop in the beginning. I wouldn't say this is my best work ever, but I certainly enjoy it a lot.
A really short, LOOPABLE song you can use for cute sort of occasions in videos! :D
probably my favorite of my songs from Soundcloud. Its very emotional for me, even when I was making it I was like. WOW. haha
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